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8697 Specials
Popular specials

SUNLIGHT Bath Soap Assorted
R 11.99

NESTUM Cereal Assorted
R 24.99

COBRA Floor Polish Assorted
R 24.99

INTEX Inflatable Tube Assorted
R 29.00

Save 10%
PnP Dips or Mezze Assorted

Chicken Flattie Assorted Flavours
R 49.99

Any 3 for 2
PnP Fresh Herbs Assorted

PnP Ready Made Meals Assorted
R 89.99

Parmalat Grated Cheese Assorted
R 49.99

The Laughing Cow Cheese Wedges Assorted
R 29.99

Any 5 for R100
OrRoy Dog Treats Assorted
R 100.00

Any 2 for R36
Purity Mabele Baby's Soft Porridge Assorted
R 36.00

TWIZZA Soft Drink Assorted
R 24.00

BEST COOK Chakalaka Assorted
R 32.00

Any 2 for R65
Pakco Pickle OR Atchar Assorted
R 65.00

Any 4 for R54
Dettol Hygiene Soap Assorted
R 54.00

Any 2 for R150
Satiskin Bubble Bath Assorted
R 150.00

Buy 3 & Pay for 2
Glodina Softie Range Assorted Sizes Available

Any 2 for R110
Mainstays Guest Towels OR Face Towels Assorted
R 110.00

ProNutro Toddlers Cereal Assorted
R 56.00

Snookums Grooming Kits Assorted
R 100.00

Phipp's Milk of Magnesia Assorted
R 64.99

Save 8%
CARTE D'OR Assorted Jelly
R 319.95

PnP Flavoured Jelly Assorted
R 24.00

SGHV Assorted Nuts Tub
R 59.95

GIFT BAGS Assorted
R 6.50

Any 2 for R125
Hug-in a-Mug Cappuccino Assorted
R 125.00

Any 5 for R50
Infacare Juice Assorted
R 50.00
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