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9400 Specials
Popular specials

Save R291
Xpanda DIY Econo Scroll Lock Gate
R 1,290.00
R 999.00

Save R300
Xpanda DIY Slamlock Saftidor
R 1,799.00
R 1,499.00

Save R396
Xpanda DIY Regal Security Gate
R 1,895.00
R 1,499.00

Epol dog food
R 145.00

Any 3 for R90
HUSKY Wet Dog Food
R 90.00

White hot dog rolls
R 16.99

Dolly Varden Glycerine
R 74.99

Save Half Platter Dome & Lid 316/315
R 21.99

Domestos Liquid Professional
R 359.99

Domestos Liquid Professional
R 139.99

Any 2 for R75
DOOM Insect Spray
R 75.00

Doom Insecticide
R 140.99

Doom Insecticide (excludes Fogger)
R 39.99

SAFEdor Meranti Door
R 849.99

Door Safedor Florida 4 Panel Horizontal
R 1,249.99

Door Frame Light Duty
R 199.99

Door Safedor Palermo 7 Panel Grooved
R 1,149.99

Save R500
GEMINI Garage Door Motor
R 2,499.00
R 1,999.00

Save R230
KAYO Horizontal Grooved Door
R 529.00
R 299.00

Save R1000
KAYO 8-panel Door
R 1,999.00
R 999.00

Door Safedor Texas 2 Panel
R 1,249.99

Door Safedor Elba Horizontal Slatted
R 1,149.99

Door Safedor 1 Panel Shaker
R 1,249.99

Door Safedor 4 Panel Victorian Shaker
R 1,249.99

Door Masonite Hardboard Safedor
R 239.99

SAFEdor Masonite Door Hardboard Safedor
R 239.99

Pivot Shower Door
R 3,999.00
R 3,499.00

Save R200
Wireless Door Phone
R 1,899.00
R 1,699.00
All popular offers
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