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Loot catalogue and specials

If you are in the mood to shop for just about anything, why not just go through a Loot catalogue and specials. They are South Africa’s largest online retailer with everything at wholesale prices and quantities. All their categories have a range of products you can compare and pick from. All you simply have to do is scroll through a catalogue and shop online at your earliest convenience.

What products to buy on offer at Loot?

Loot has a variety of departments to buy from and products to add to your cart. You can shop for products from their Books, DVD, Music, Computers, Electronics, Fashion, Kitchen, Sport and Outdoor departments. They have clothing, baby products, gardening equipment gaming equipment, movies and more. You will definitely find an item for that hobby or that perfect holiday. You can also be sure not to miss out on sales and more such as Black Friday or their Month End sales by signing up to their newsletter so that you can get deals delivered to your inbox. 

How to shop deals from Loot?

To shop deals and specials from Loot visit their online store and shop online through the website You can add to your cart and checkout your items in a simple few clicks. They guarantee their customer safe payments with their variety of online payments for your convenience. Loot will deliver your purchase to your location at standard delivery rates. You can also get more in discounts and rewards by signing up to their loyalty program. Every purchase will earn you points that you can redeem for future use.

Frequently asked questions about Loot

The most recent Loot catalogue for this week can be found here: Loot catalogue from 20-02-2025 to 26-02-2025. In the newest catalogue, you’ll find current offers like: White Star Super Maize Meal 1Kg Plus Selati Brown Sugar 1Kg Plus Great Value Sunflower Oil 750ml-All, Goldair 7Ltr Multi-Function Electric Cooker Gump-700, & Bennett Read 1.7Ltr Cool Touch Kettle.

The most recent Loot catalogues of this week and next week can be found here: Loot catalogue from 20-02-2025 until 26-02-2025. Check out next week's specials on!

Loot has a lot of great specials this week! This week's specials at Loot can be found in the Loot catalogue from 20-02-2025 until 26-02-2025, but you can also find all sensational promotions online in the webshop or on the Loot website. Here are some interesting specials and offers: White Star Super Maize Meal 1Kg Plus Selati Brown Sugar 1Kg Plus Great Value Sunflower Oil 750ml-All, Goldair 7Ltr Multi-Function Electric Cooker Gump-700 and Bennett Read 1.7Ltr Cool Touch Kettle

You can find the nearest store on our website by providing your location. The advantage of sharing your location is that we can list all stores located in your area. Clicking on 'stores' in the app will show you the nearest Loot store. You can also enter your postcode on our website and in the app to find out which branches are close by.

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