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7737 Specials
Popular specials

Save R7
Pampers Baby Wipes Complete Clean OR Sensitive Wipes
R 139.99
R 132.99

Baby Things Bath Changing Unit
R 2,099.99

Baby Things Deluxe Travel + Grooming Kit
R 269.99

Baby Things Nail Care Scissor & Clipper
R 49.99

Save R33
Nuby Citroganix Baby Toothpaste with Finger Brush
R 132.99
R 99.99

Jolly tots basic baby potty
R 19.99

Save R30
Pigeon 100% Pure Water Baby Wipes
R 249.99
R 219.99

Baby Things Bedtime Baby Powder
R 74.99

Save R10
Baby Things Premium Nappies
R 189.99
R 179.99

Baby Things Bedtime Baby Lotion
R 39.99

Baby Things Nappy Pants
R 179.99

Baby Things Bedtime Baby Wash
R 64.99

Baby Things Nappies
R 119.99

Baby Things Disposable Nappy Bags
R 34.99

Baby Things Nose Wipes
R 44.99

Baby Things Sensitive OR Fresh Wipes
R 29.99

Save R27
Tibb Bonnycare Baby Colic & Cramps Syrup
R 106.99
R 79.99

2 for R172
Bennetts Baby Bum Crème
R 172.00

Baby Nax Bailers
R 29.99

NESTLÉ Cerelac Baby Cereal
R 70.00

R 75.00

BABY SOFT Toilet Paper 2ply
R 113.99

Any 3 for R75
R 75.00

Baby Panda Nappies
R 44.99

Any 4 for R50
PURITY Pureed Baby Pouches or 2nd Food Jars
R 50.00

I&J Frozen Baby Hake
R 279.99

PURITY Pureed Baby Pouches or 2nd Food Jars
R 50.00

Baby Soft 2 Ply Toilet Tissue Rolls-9s Each
R 69.99
All popular offers
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