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8654 Specials
Popular specials

DEW DROP Multigrain & Dairy Snack Blend Assorted
R 19.99

MAMA'S Value Burgers Assorted
R 49.99

YUM FUN Corn Chips Assorted
R 25.00

FRUIT BLAST 100% Fruit Juice Blend Assorted
R 40.00

TWIZZA Soft Drink Assorted
R 12.99

TASTE & MORE Soya Mince Assorted
R 39.99

KENSINGTON Hot Sauce Assorted
R 24.00

BEST COOK Stock Cubes Assorted
R 38.00

DETTOL Hygiene Bath Soap Assorted
R 54.00

PURITY Cream Of Maize Baby Soft Porridge Assorted
R 22.99

Clover Tropika Flavoured Dairy Fruit Mix Assorted
R 32.99

Southern Comfort Liqueur Assorted
R 159.99

First Choice Processed Cheese Slices Assorted
R 99.99

Rainbow Simply Chicken Premium Polony Assorted
R 64.99

Super M Flavoured Milk Assorted
R 52.00

Lay's Potato Chips Assorted or Doritos Flavoured Corn Chips Assorted
R 38.00

PnP 100% Long Life Fruit Juice Assorted
R 24.99

Sta-Soft Concentrated Fabric Softener Assorted Refill Each
R 27.99

Pampers Baby Wipes Assorted Refill Each
R 39.99

Save R20
BLUE MOUNTAIN Casual 200 Camping Chair Assorted Colours Each
R 229.99

Outfit Garden Chair Assorted Colours Each
R 999.00

Bread Box Assorted Each
R 169.99

MELL'S Assortment Bag
R 96.95

Any 3 for R70
Pringles Chips Asssorted
R 70.00

Robertsons Food Colouring +Essence Asst.
R 9.99

Big Sip Royal Syrup Asst.
R 64.99

Clover Super M Flavoured Milk Asstd.
R 26.00

County Fair Frozen Crumbed Chicken Strips or Nuggets Asstd.
R 46.99
All popular offers
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