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8654 Specials
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Bakers Provita Asstd.
R 29.99

Jungle Energy Bar Asstd.
R 22.00

Ina Paarman's Ready to Serve Sauce Asstd.
R 29.99

Melrose Cheese Spread Asstd.
R 41.99

Morvite Instant Porridge Asstd.
R 27.99

Kiwi Shoe Polish Asstd.
R 16.99

Sunlight Laundry Soap Asstd.
R 21.99

Willards Cheasnaks Asstd.
R 27.00

First Choice Processed Cheese Slices Asstd.
R 21.99

Clover Krush Nectar Asstd.
R 28.99

Président Feta Asstd.
R 59.99

Monster Energy Drink Asstd.
R 30.00

Rhodes Chakalaka Asstd.
R 19.99

Bull Brand Mince Asstd.
R 26.99

Organics Shampoo or Conditioner Asstd.
R 48.99

Baby Soft 2-Ply or Quilts 2-Ply Toilet Paper Asstd.
R 69.99

Colgate Total Toothpaste Asstd.
R 48.99

Whiskas Cat Food Asstd.
R 86.99

Doritos Corn Chips Asstd.
R 40.00

Red Bull Energy Drink Asstd.
R 32.00

Rainbow Simply Chicken Polony Asstd.
R 64.99

Lipton Ice Tea Asstd.
R 44.00

Nivea Body Cream or Lotion Asstd.
R 59.99

Willards Cheas Naks Maize Snack Asstd.
R 28.00

Clover Super M Flavoured Milk Asstd.
R 30.00

Lancewood Cottage Cheese Asstd.
R 39.99

I&J Frozen Beefers Asstd.
R 62.99

Pieman's Frozen Pies Asstd.
R 99.99
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